Hangover Cure

What is Hangover Cure?


What you do to get rid of that spiltting headache, nausea, dehydration etc

The best way to get rid of Hangover is basically SLEEP!

Also, drink plenty of water, as this provides the much needed for the liver to get rid of all these poisons you've consumed.

Finally, hangovers can last up to 2 - 3 days, but mostly you'll be aight in 24 hours. So just lay back and let your body do the work.

"I can tell how much i drank last nite, do you know any Hangover Cures?" - person 1

"Keep drinking then" - person 2

"What more alcohol?!" - person 1

"WATER you pillock" - person 2

See hangover, cure, nausea, drink, alcohol


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