
What is Haole?


A word used mainly in Hawaii to describe a white person. Depending on how you say it, the word can mean either an insult or just a fact.

1. fact: me, my flip fren, my jap fren, and my haole fren went go smoke some batu over up in Nalo.



White person, American, Englishman, Caucasian, foreign, introduced, of foreign origin.

The word haole existed before the arrival of Captain Cook. It's a very old word that appears in a story about the demigod Kamapua'a. "He haole nui, maka 'alohilohi." Also, the word does not mean without breath. The word ha'ole is a different word entirely.

He mau haole paha na kanaka e heluhelu nei i ka unuhi a'u i kakau ai.

Some foreigners are probably the people who are reading the translation I wrote.


The Hawaiian word for a foreigner or a very caucasian person who is not native to the Hawaiian Islands.

Pay special attention to the tone the word is said in.

"Eh, you stupid haole!" = means run!!

"I am part haole" = means you are part caucasian


Refrence from Hawai'i meaning foreigner. This can be anyone who is not local meaning people from the mainland, tourists, or just white people. Mostly used as a term for a white person, but can mean anyone foreign.

Sometimes used as a deragotory term against white people.

Originated from Hawai'i as a term for foreigners due to the fact that they refused to perform the ritual of sharing their mana through their breath, hence "no breath" definition.

Other times it can be used just for refrence to white people.

Deragotory: Fuckin haoles taking over.

Casual: Yea, had 2 hawaiians and one thick haole guy coming at me.

See haoles, white, black, racist, bitch


The word haole when used on the islands has many different meanings, historically accurate or not. It is generally accepted as 'white person' among Caucasians, but most see it as foreigner or outsider. It is a widely accepted exclusionary word based on race, justified or not.

kamaaina (local): "brah, we get plenty choke haole on aina"

See pidgin, haole, white person, cracker, lobster, outsider, soulless, breathless, ghost, spook


Regional. Hawaii.

Def.: 1) n. a) White Person b) White American c) derogatory for White Person or White American syn. cracker

2) adj. a) of Caucausian ancestry b) having to do with White American Culture

Haole (or Howlee as I like to spell it) is a bastardization of a Hawaiian word meaning foreigner (literally "without breath"). The correct pronunciation of the Hawaiian word haole is (ha-o-lay).

It can be derogatory depending on usage.

Eh, brah, you wen spock da haole chick ova dea?

Eh, haole shit, like false crack?

So haole, your hairstyle!

Mos' Hawaiians get some haole.


A Hawaiian term for a white person, with the exception of Portuguese people. A haole (not to be confused with ha'ole, meaning "without breath"; ha, breath + 'ole, without) does not mean without breath, but instead means "foreigner". Usually, the term "haole" is taken offensively by white people, as they consider it derogatory, but usually, it is not meant to be derogatory from locals from Hawaii.

Haoles do not include Asians and Pacific Islanders, and rarely refer to African Americans and Portuguese people. Some Portuguese people may take offense if you call them haole.


Keahi: Eh, braddah, you saw dat haole walking down Pearlridge?

Makana: Eh, haole boy, how you stay?


Pono: You frickin' haole! Who you think you are, king of the 'aina? Thinking you're the center of everything... don't be lolo.

Calling a Portuguese haole:

John: Well, why isn't Robert a haole? He's Portuguese, so technically he's white right?

Robert: I'm not a frickin' haole. I'm a hapa; I'm Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, and Irish.

See haole, white, honky, cracker, jive turkey


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