What is Happy Go Lucky?
To be happy go lucky, is to be cheerful about most all things. To have a positive view on life. To annoy the shit out of your friends, and to just be a peppy shithead.
Ugh, that Richard Simmons is SOO happy go lucky, he makes me sick!
People/Hippies that are high on life. They should be shot with a bullet, or a spear, or an axe if you have one. Annoy the rest of us by being Happy, and Going Lucky.
I feel so Happy Go Lucky Tod.. <BANG - DEAD>
Is so easy
happy go uh lucky
we are the wad of dough
we didnt eat QQQQSSS...I
Once upon a time, there was a man who had really swollen testicles. "Help me," he asked a crowd of elderly firefighters. "My testicles are really swollen, I'd appreciate it if you could recommend a topical analgesic that could make the pain a little less unbearable."