What is Happy Valentine's Day From Sugarboobs?


1. The deepness of your eyes

2. Your smile

3. How shy/coy you can get

4. When you are changing and you get shy

5. Seeing you in a white t-shirt and shorts

6. Your stubbornness

7. Your financial astuteness

8. How you stick to your word

9. Your values

10. You know that life can be unfair

11. Your intelligence

12. You can bring whatever the situation requires

13. You’re electronic and technology savvy

14. Your kindness

15. How gentle you can be

16. When you "begin" something, how you stick with it

17. Your maturity

18. Your commitment to your work

19. Your sensibility

20. How you "saved" yourself for that one special woman

21. You don't take things for granted

22. You realize that in life things are not "free"; one must work for them/themselves

23. You love movies (even the occasional weekend morning movie!)

24. You trust me with your body when we make love

25. Your awareness of worldly events

26. You have no time for nonsense or deceit

27. How when I come over you always straighten up your room (at least put it under the desk in an organized manner!)

28. That you are in touch with your feelings

29. Your hugs

30. Your kisses

31. How little children are drawn to you

32. You honor your parents

33. Your ability to relate to kids

34. Your kindness when my parents have needed help with things

35. How I can depend on you if a crisis comes up (car towed)

36. Your hot lips!

37. Your big nose!

38. Your faithfulness

39. Your soft, yet strong, hands

40. The fact that I learn new amazing things about you everyday

41. How we can still say or do the exact same thing at the same time

42. Your extreme patience with me even when I push it to the limit sometimes

43. Your booty

44. The gentleness of your hands

45. You have a gift for making people feel at ease with you

46. That you do not swear

47. How you follow the rules

48. That if the sign does not say cross, you wait until it does, even if there are no cars coming

49. That you make me want to be a better person not only for myself, but for you

50. How you try and understand even those extremely tough situations in which you are not familiar

51. How you know me so well

52. You are the very first person whom I was able to hang out with, without being under any influences

53. How we can laugh together

54. How we can cry together

55. You see the divine in people and things

56. How you are able to maturely deal with my flatulence

57. How after almost 3 years you still open the car door for me

58. That you have a good relationship with your family; mom, dad, and sisters

59. You try to always play fair

60. That you are willing to try doing new activities with me

61. When you wear glasses occasionally

62. That you like to learn new things

63. How you can admit when you do not know something and pursue finding the answer

64. When you take my hand in the movie theater

65. How you get easily embarrassed sometimes in public with me

66. How in the morning when we wake up and you grab a piece of gum to be respectful of your mouth gene

67. How you are able to take control of a situation where you are the stronger one

68. That you love doggies

69. How much you’ve taught me about life and myself

70. The fact that you are good at fixing things or putting things together by hand

71. Your zest for life

72. Your love for life

73. The fact that you would make the best father anyone could ever ask for or hope to have

74. The way you talk

75. The way you walk

76. Your vast knowledge about EVERYTHING….well almost!

77. How you sometimes give up things you’ve wanted just for my benefit

78. The fact that you were willing to take a chance on me

79. That you like to take walks in the outdoors

80. People know they can depend on you when you say you will do something

81. Everyday you teach me to appreciate life

82. Your honesty in everything you say

83. You are very supportive of others (me!), when they believe in themselves

84. You are cute when you are mad

85. You are stubborn, yet passionate

86. You are serious, yet can "snap" out of it and be silly with me

87. How you are never able to remember jokes, yet when you do you get excited and always share

88. You smack my booty

89. You are not nosey, just terrible curious

90. You always drive cautiously; err very, very slowly, when I am in the car

91. Your knowledge of ""useless" trivia; it will be useful one day!

92. The way you roll your eyes

93. When I am washing dishes/at the sink, how you sneak up behind and put your arms around me.

94. How you know Spanish pretty well and always like to translate, even when not necessary!!

95. How you are willing to let me have the volume remote! Knowing I cannot hear too well!

96. You don't let people push you around

97. Rather then lead or follow, you walk beside me.

98. How at time, your childlike awe and wonder will show

99. You don't let me forget that you think I am sexy

100. When we stepped out of the Chinese restaurant (Columbia) and we saw a double rainbow we stayed for a while looking at it, sharing it with others and you patiently waited for me to take pictures. I love that you valued that rainbow.

101. Your face lights up when I walk in the room

102. You always try your hardest to hold Rusty down when I come in the front door (I do notice!)

103. You don't worry about looking foolish the first time you try something new.

104. You are so calm, logical and reasonable; as I am much more unpredictable, your personality balances mine perfectly

105. How our bodies fit together soooo perfectly

106. That you care about the environment

107. You always conduct yourself with manners

108. You are a good conversationalist

109. You can let yourself be vulnerable

110. You know right from wrong

111. You vote

112. You will go out of your way for your friends and family

This list was so easy to write, but also so hard because I was limited to how much I could write for the site; I have at least a 100 more I could add to the list and I hope it to be open-ended.

Happy 3rd Valentine’s Day King Cobra

From Sugarboobs


happy valentine's day from sugarboobs to king cobra

See king cobra, valentine, love, hugs, kisses


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