
What is Harajuku?


This isn't really a definition. Anyways, 'Harajuku' is a location in Japan where the young and teenagers dress in their own fashions they invent themselves, or cosplay outfits.

In the song "Rich Girl".. or mainly any Gwen Stefani song, she has "her" Harajuku girls in it. Gwen paid four japanese girls to follow her around, and Gwen treats them like accesories. No woman, in my opinion, should be made into a mute fashion accessory. Just the image of four non-white women trailing around behind a white woman, hanging on her every word and not being allowed to speak… Can you really say that this is a harmless affectation? Asian fetishism nor not, this is certianly female fetishism.

Has anyone noticed the dominating hold she has over the girls? she claims ownership of them, dresses them up and gives them names (love, angel, music & baby).

I was under the idea that they were her posse, not the newest version of chihuahua. All she needs now is a collar and chain.

As soon as I saw her video for rich girl I had to leave the room, she’s giving japanese fashion such a bad name…”I'll dress them up and give them names” What the fuck?? They aren't items. Stefani should have just bought herself a new pair of diamond earrings instead of four slaves.

Gwen Stafani:"I'd get me four Harajuku girls to

Inspire me and they'd come to my rescue

I'd dress them wicked, I'd give them names

Love, Angel, Music, Baby

Hurry up and come and save me"

Me: LITTLE BITCH! -snipes her in her ass-crack-

See Tsuki


One of many districts in Japan. A popular hang-out for teens who are into Street Fashionor Gothic Lolita style clothing.

Harajuku is a nice place to take a look at all the latest fashions from Tokyo!

See Neko


Harajuku (Œ´h) is the common name for the area around Harajuku Station on the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo, Japan.

Though it was really just shopping area it became a Sunday hangout for the fashionistic teens of Japan in the 80's when street performers and wildly dressed kids started showing up to show off there own musical and artistic creations. Through this artistic outburst have come many subcultures such as: Visual Kei, Lolita, Decora, Ganguro, etc.

Since the solo career of the now oh so un-original Gwen Stefania terrible Americanised view of "harajuku" has been seen. With her latest tour and label Harajuku Lovers(rudely and obviously ripped off from Yasuharu Tanaka's famous Japanese fashion label, Super Lovers)Gwen's trendy American followers have developed poor knowlegde of the complex fashionistc society of Japanese Street Fashion that insults true fans in western civilization.

Gwen: "Harajuku girls have wicked style:

Gwen fan: "Look there's a heart on my shirt! Now I'm all Harajuku like my idol Gwen."

American JSF-er: "Gwen Stefani is a jerk."

See fashion, style, girls, gwen, stefani, super, lovers, japan, japanese, fashionista


It's a popular teen discrict in Tokyo, where your style is everything.

Damn...Those Harajuku Girls got some wicked style..

See Jey


Harajuku is the fun, bright and creative street style which is very hot right now in the streets of Harajuku, Tokyo Japan.

No wonder that Tokyo is a huge fashion icon around the world. Teenagers in Japan dress in colourful clothes. They mix and match different clothing and create their own style, with big bright coloured hair and cute accsessories.

As referred by Gwen Stefani they have wicked style, Gwen is very inspired by these girls and Japan calture as stated in her latest album. Infact the has her own range of accsessories named afer her Harajuku girls. The range is called L.A.M.B which stands for Love.Angel.Music.Baby (The names of her harajuku dancers), the range features clothes, hair accessories and even Gwen has launched her brand new digital camera just launched in the U.S a few weeks ago.

If you've heared Gwen's latest album then you probably know that almost every single song has the word "harajuku girls" or "harajuku"

Harajuku girls, you got the wicked style. I like the way that you are I am your biggest fan.

See Hannah


Harajuku is a place in Japan where the fashion on the streets is immense.

Harajuku fashion and culture is beginning to become world popular and well known...

Gwen stefani might have a little to do with this as she pays four japanese women to follow her around seeming as though they have no voice almost like her pets, she is a good artist but she's an obnoxious white bicth for treating those girls as objects . The girls are actually very good dancers but from MOST of the video's i have seen the girls just seem to follow her. She has defeated the object of harajuku fashion because she dresses 'her' girls in similar outfits, harajuku fashion is about uniqueness.

Harajuku has a station wich on a sunday is usually populated with outrageously dressed teens with extraordinary style and taste.

Some Japanese boys dressed in a Rock-a-billy style are usually also related to the thought of harajuku, and people dressed as anime characters or characters from old rhyme such as little bo peep, this is cosplay.

The Goths there go to the extreme and wear accessories such as pale contacts and all sorts of accessories.

comment if you think someting could be added or changed

"Tatsuo suyama and Tsuyako look so awesome in there cosplay outfits covered in hair clips and accessories!as they walk the streets of harajuku"

See fashion, harajuku, tokyo


adj. wicked stylish or extremely original, swish, beyond the normal mental capacity to conceive

v. to be " "

* Sometimes just juku

Teen town in Tokyo in a district called Shibuya-ku. The most well-known event is the Cosplay down in the Harajuku Station. On the weekends girls dress up in their most harajuku costumes and strut their stuff. Most common theme for costmes is Gothic Lolita (think school girl meets goth) or the anime character.

That's so (hara)juku.


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