What is Hard To Get?
When a boy flirts with a girl, but the girl pretends to be uninterested in the boy to make the boy try harder to get the girl to like him. In most cases, it doesn't work and the boy gives up and tries to find someone less conceited and arrogant than the girl.
Sarah: Mike was like totally flirting with me last night and he's like so cute but I played hard to get and like pretended that I totally didn't care because he has to work for it you know?
Mike: So I tried letting Sarah know that I was interested in her, but she didn't seem to care so I gave up and hooked up with Jessica instead.
A totally
Perhaps the most evil aspect of this technique is that if the guy loses it and turns
Erica decided she wanted to marry Tim. Tim liked her and like a shark smelling blood, Erica could tell. But Tim didn't feel like having a girlfriend, which of course for a woman is like waving a red cape in front of the bull (or cow). So she played hard-core hard to get, working him over in ways that would make
Machiavelli blush. He couldn't stand it but thought it would bewuss y to complain, and that "all girls are like this anyway". Eventually, they ended up married until he died.
One of the most poorly understood phenomena EVER. Basically, how a girl acts when she really wants a guy. Most girls have this down to a fine art via instinct, while those who don't are the
So basically, on the one hand, hard to get is a
The beautiful and intelligent Lisa thought Tim was the coolest guy in town, so she decided to marry him. Meanwhile, Tim had become extremely wary of women, as he had actually had very little luck, but had the good sense to concentrate on his work instead. Knowing that most men are afraid of marriage, she decided to hook him by playing the old hard to get game. And she used the deluxe version, by letting her
chump boyfriend hang around, further decreasing his suspicions on her designs. And her teasing and withdrawing arose his primal instincts to such a degree that he found himself constrained to pursue her. Not often -- only about once a week or two -- but when he did, unlike before, there was a strange decisiveness to his act, without any creepy hesitation -- whether asking for her number, calling her, or asking her out.
The only reason he did not blow her off entirely was the fact that they actually kept progressing... two months later, he had her (real) number; two more months later, they actually went out for the first time; two more months later, they kissed; two more months, they... well, you get the picture. Tim only started to get suspicious six months after people started calling her his girlfriend. Yet Lisa actually treated him so well that he couldn't run away.
Ten years later Tim found himself with four kids and Lisa making dinner for him every evening. Lisa smirked as she gave him his favorite lasagna. Mission accomplished!