What is Hardcore Dance?
as unbiased as possible:
To my understanding, hardcore dancing originated with Circle pits where you basically ran left in a circle and flailed your arms into the onlookers. then towards the 90's modern hardcore dancing emerged. unlike the Souther californian circle pits, modern day moshing started in places like New York and Boston which had thriving hardcore scenes. with the rapid growth of the dance came the breakdowns. Bands soon had to incorporate sections where fans could dance a specific way. The breakdown usually has the guitarist/s playing a few repetitive chords on the lowest strings while the drummer hits the bass pedal each time the guitarist strums resulting in an almost militaristic, uniform sound which many fans can show off their newly learned moves.
The most common dance moves are:
picking up change: pretty self explanatory
the dancing can even be applied to deathmetal/hardcore hybrid bands. using hxc dance moves during fights is highly discourages as this is only a fashion.
Hardcore dancing is really common in sacramento. A lot of the time people go to judge bands by their ability to create music to dance to. Sacramento is just becoming filled with pretentious pricks
Hardcore Dance is gay
Hardcore danceing is a dance that the hardcore kids do. they do the windmill and kick there legs like a fucking karate kid.
It also looks like your having fucking Parkinsons
Meghan: uh oh that kid is having a seziure!
Tim: Naw he's hardcore danceing
harcore dancing usually takes place at hxc shows
mostly to harcore bands like "between the buried and me"
it consist on some basic moves
like the wind mill:moving your arms around your body
or picking up change:punching the floor and reaching to
your pockets
they are many moves and it might all just depend where you live because the scene is different everywhere you go
the pit might be different at times it just depends
on how crowded or how heavy the music is
real hardcoe kids dont mind a bloody nose
but "scenesters" are allways craving for space
to dance on
NIGG did you see that pit?
yeah i spin kicked that mofo
next to youdoesnt this people know how
to hardcore dance?