Harden The Fuck Up

What is Harden The Fuck Up?


1) Phrase whose meaning could be paraphrased as: "stop being a fucking pussy and act like you have a fucking pair of balls" (or something to that effect). Often used in sports.

2) A black wristband made in Australia.

1) Jim was whining because his pinky hurt and he was cold, so Bob told him to harden the fuck up.

2) Team CSC all wore black "harden the fuck up" wristbands during the 2007 Tour de France.

See pussy, sandy vagina, balls, nuts, tuff


Through the Mouth Of Chopper Reed

Comes the Great Australian Word

harden the fuck up! meaning grow balls

get soem fucking balls grow a pussy

you panzy and so on the phrase was

used int eh ronnie johns half hour

as a comieidiec slang for those who

need to get some!

This is stefan his name is stefan

harden the fuck up stefan!

See the, fuck, up, johns, chopper, reed


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