Harford County

What is Harford County?


Harford County is a rather small county in North-central maryland, inbetween Baltimore and Cecil counties and boarding Lancaster and York counties of PA to the north.

A place that can be defined as two COMPLETELYYYYY different counties as far as life there goes.

Here's a key for you:

North of I95=Harford County

South of I95=Towns that are nothing like the rest of Harford County, more like mini-baltimores, except cleaner and smaller.

Places like Bel Air are examples of the ideal idea of American Suburban life; places like Fallston and Jarrettsville are examples of hick-filled small villages as the ones found in south-central PA; and places like Edgewood Havre de Grace and Aberdeen house all the minority residents of the county, and are part of a completely different world.

Havre de Grace and Aberdeen are two cities that kind of feed off of each other. If you live in one of them, you're going to know people in the other. Havre de Grace is a waterfront community, and has an extremely old-fashioned grid-style downtown, while Aberdeen is more like a rural-community gone Urban, while Edgewood is just a rather notoriously "high-crime" suburb of Bel Air, next to Joppatowne. 99% of the crime in the county happens in these places, as well as events all-together. Fortunately, they are still rather clean places when put next to Baltimore.

North of I95 communities are extremely white, suburban/rural, and ideal to just that. Everywhere outside of Bel Air in the north, in fact, is rural and has no commercial importance whatsoever. That is why people view harford county this way. For some god-forsaken reason, they chose a rather useless small little suburb as the county seat, as opposed to the oldest city in Maryland HdG or Aberdeen. Common sense; who is(are) the retard(s) who did that?

Now while the two 'cities', Aberdeen and Havre de Grace are extroadinarily small as far as cities go, with a combined area containing 40,000 people, they are independent and actualy function rather well. HdG used to be a rather poor antique community, but the council actualy did something and built over 3 new communities, as well as the fact that they actualy replaced entire Section 8 housing communities with new housing, and it has been expanding unbelievably within the last 4 years. Aberdeen has a crapload of shops, and is moreso the commercial stronghold of the county alongside Bel Air, however, while Havre de Grace is probably the Industrial equivelant.

Back to everybody's least favorite aspect of the county, however: North of I95 is, as reputed, EXTREMELY HICKISH!!! For god's sake, the ratio of north harford county is about 100,000 white people, 1,000 black people. Were it not for the South communities, it WOULD most DEFNITELY be 99.99999999999999% white. The KKK reign surpreme in places like Forest Hill and Jarettsville, as they do in Cecil County.

South is pretty cool.

North sucks balls.

You've been warned.

Harford County is like a mix between Beverly Hills, Texas, and Mini-Baltimore.

See harford, blair, aberdeen, edgewood


A small county in Maryland, USA. The population is extremely low, and consists mainly of ugly white Ravens fans. In fact, only 3 people in the county are not Ravens fans, and they are all Asian. The teenagers there go to wealthy schools while their parents commute to Baltimore along I-95, taking about 6 hours to do so. 96.7% of Harford Countians above the age of 9 smoke pot. Almost all drivers in Harford County obey the speed limit religiously.

If you've ever gone from Baltimore to New York and had to pass through a slow, depressing town, where most people live along a major highway and no structure was more than 3 stories tall, you've probably been to Harford County.

Random guy: Dude I'm in Harford County.

Other dude: Isn't it depressing?

Random guy: Yeah, is that kid smoking a joint?

Other dude: Yeah and driving really slow and farming?

Random guy: Yeah, wow, that's depressing.

Other dude: I feel like I'm in the Midwest or something.

See farmer, weed, dope, pot, harford, norhar


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