What is Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle?


Title of the best movie ever.

Harold and Kumar kick ass.


The greatest movie in the history of the world. If you are Asian, from New Jersey, Jewish, or smoke weed, you will definitely love this movie. But even if you don't, you will still love it, because it is the funniest movie of all time.

Cool Person: Guess what?

Loser: What?

Cool Person: I watched Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle twice in the past 24 hours. And then I went to white castle.

Loser: Oh.


The coolest 420 movie ever, to which there is <b>ACTUALLY<b> going to be a sequel, called "Harold and Kumar go to Amsterdam".

You do know what's legal in Amsterdam, don't you?

See Jessica


The greatest movie you will ever see ever!!if u want to kill yourself see this movie and u will find a reason to live or at least a reason to stay alive til the sequel comes out... THEN u can kill yourself

Human:"harold and kumar is the gr8est movie ever"

Loser/nerd:"no it isn't"

Human Kills loser/nerd.


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