What is Haroon?
A Haroon is a maker of "phat beetz" most notably of the Trance variety. Haroons tend to hang out with people who are "OneUp" above the rest and like to play Final Fantasy all day long.
Haroon's like warm climates and are known to raise the temperature by at most 10 degrees (F) when they walk outside.
Haroon is hot (in reference to the fact that most Haroon's live in hot climates, their hotness makes their surroundings hot)
this word is 4 the ladies wen they tk bout their guys/haroon he is a sweet, buff guy, hu undastands wat a girl wants, he's cute, funni and frendly, and all the gals luv him 2 bits.
Dat guy is such a haroon
omg! i met a guy yday hes the best haroon eva!