
What is Harrison?


To be extremely suave and or charming, often resulting in an exchange of phone numbers followed by repeated fornication. One who Harrisons women is often compared to Alfie, the famous british womanizer.

See that guy with all those girls? Damn they just got Harrisoned.

See sexy, charming, suave, alfie, cassanova


Harrison -


Slang for marijuana, weed, skunk. Derrivies it's name from the old english 'There's no comparison to Johnny's Harrison' Can be used in conjunction with George (Harrison) indicating a spliff or Joint

Man, pass me that 'arrison, i need to make a george. I'm so arristoned


1. Adj. Amer.

A ferocious beast who can kill any person, at any time with any weapon, from nowhere near you in a video game.

2. Noun Amer. Fictional

In Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, Lt Harrison is the leader of a small group of soldiers who are captured by the Japanese guarding the target, the Pistol Pete artilery. After destroying his targets, you and him try to escape. While escaping he is shot and gets stuck on a bridge he set a demo charge on. He will die on it unless you save him.

In muliplayer, he is an unstoppable machine who kills all of his enemies, up to 100 times.

Example 1

Player 1: Ah dude, that guy just killed me with a pisol from 1000 yards.

Player 2: Dude that guy is a Harrison for sure!

Example 2

Lt Harrison is a fictional character in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun

See l33t, monster, expert, killer, awesome


the aswomest dude in the world better better the all names including corey coz corey is a gay name

harrison is a awsomes name

See awsome, kool, kewl, great


To Harrison someone is to give them something with very little left in it with the intent that they will finish it and then have to dispose of the wrapper/packet/container.

An example of this would be if you had a packet of crisps and asked your friend if he wanted them as you had had enough. Your friend accepts not realising there are only 3 or so left in the bottom, he has now been Harrisoned. Once he has finished them he must dispose of the packet in an appropriate manner.

"I just got Harrisoned didn't I?"

"It's really easy to Harrison Rob, he's so greedy."

"Luke is really good at Harrisoning people, isn't he?"

See haribo


A fighting Messiah whose capabilities and ultra-human strength exceed those of any being, human or non human in nature. Harrison’s true identity and age is unknown though he takes on the form of a teenage male with blonde hair. He spends his time traversing planet earth, spending the majority of his time winning at everything. Outside of his supernatural physical abilities he also has the ability to control various elements with his mind. He can change the weather in his present environment and change migration patterns of animals by will. After voluntarily offering himself for medical research in 2001 it was discovered that he is capable of using 100% of his brain’s function and over 85% of his bodies muscle fibres. He is capable of re-generating after attaining wounds. He has fought against a number of menacing opponents such as Charizard, Alien, Predator, Neo from the Matrix, those capable of using the Buddhist Palm technique, Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, all of whom have been mercilessly beaten.

Friend: Holy shit! I think I just saw Harrison!

Other friend: No way! What was he doing?

Friend: Winning! At everything!

Other friend: That sounds like Harrison

See messiah, identity, chuck norris, bruce lee




Originates from "there's no comparison, to Johnny's Harrison" a play on the TC Harrison car dealership advert - "There's no comparison, to TC Harrison" - Johnny being the the (Harrison) dealer.

Often pronounced in 'street' style with a silent 'h' e.g. 'Arrison

See also 'George'

Ah man, I'm really stoned! I've had way too much Harrison.


Weedmakes you feel good but well forgetful at the same time: Harrison gives and he takes away!


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