What is Haver-?
A prefix usable with almost any word in the English language, used to associate and/or personalize said word with Haverford College near Philadelphia. A byproduct of using the haver- prefix is that any word it is used with instantly becomes much cooler than it was before.
haver- is the coolest prefix ever.
Havergirls and haverguys are so nice to each other, nobody haverpunches or haverinsults anyone thanks to the Havercode!
1: Haverfood just isn't cutting it...you want to take a haverwalk down to the IHOP?
2: Nah, let's just take the haverbus to Bryn Mawr and eat their food since it's so much better than our haverfood.
That haverparty was haverawesome!
I heard Stephen Colbert's in Haverdelphia this week.
All the 2012 admitted students love our haverchats way too much.