What is Hawkinazi?
Follower, student or reader of author and psychiatrist-cum-guru David R. Hawkins who is especially critical of anyone or anything that disagrees with Hawkins, and who relies on the power of
Yesterday a Hawkinazi "calibrated" Sally at "119", below the level of integrity, for questioning the pseudoscience "applied kinesiology" (AK) after she discovered AK had been repeatedly falsified in double-blind studies.
Skeptic; bored or one otherwise challenged towards libel who finds personal duty in attacking author David R. Hawkins. A faulty thesis may be proved otherwise; character attack on this author and readers required new slang and an urban dictionary.
Today a Hawkinazi added a new word in the urban dictionary to cite on their web-page with the purpose of discrediting a man's plight against human suffering. Suffer more of this or read the works in question?
See skeptic , denial
Today a Hawkinazi added a new word in the urban dictionary to cite on their web-page with the purpose of discrediting a man's plight against human suffering. Suffer more of this or read the works in question?