
What is Hayabusa?


Previously, the worlds fastest motorbike was the Honda Blackbird, then Suzuki made the Hayabusa (Now the fastest and classiest superbike in production), giving it this name because the Hayabusa is a Japanese bird of prey which preys on blackbirds.

0-60: 2.6 secs, 0-100: 5.6 secs. Stock. Beat THAT Honda!


the Suzuki GSX-1300R Hayabusa, introduced '99, (still the) world's fastest production streetbike. not a true gixxer or superbike/sport, as it is a sport-tourer. heavier, longer and wider than your average sport but very aerodynamic. in terms of 1/4 mile and top speed, the new 1000's are catching up

his stock 'busa does mid-9's all day


a motorcycle, known as being the fastest stock bike, with sub 10 sec 1/4 mi. and can reach speeds of 200mph +

aka gsx1300r hayabusa

He rids a hayabusa


aka Suzuki GSX1300R.

HOT bike that eats Blackbirds for breakfast and has no problems leaving them for dead!

*Japanese for Peregrine Falcon - fastest bird of prey

That Hayabusa is PHAT. I want one!

See motorbike, bike, motorcycle, C-


Trully the best bike ever known to man.

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the fastest stock bike. Dont belive me? Look it up in the Gueniss book of world records fagot


1) One of Suzuki's models of a motorbike.

2) The last name of the player character (Ryu Hayabusa) who was a ninjafrom the Ninja Gaidenvideo game series by Tecmo. Known game installments span from the NES, SNES, Atari Lynx, Arcade/ MAME, MS-DOS, Gameboy, XBoxand possibly others unreleased as of now. Ryu Hayabusa has also been featured in the Dead or Alive video game series that spaned various systems including arcade cabinets. Searching for Ryuon the web, including slangdefine will more than likely yield results related to the Street Fightercharacter Ryu, so it would be best to search for Ryu Hayabusa, Ryu + Ninja Gaiden or Ryu + Dead or Alive for anything related to this particular character

1) Suzuki Hayabusa

2) Ryu Hayabusa is the Ninja from Ninja Gaiden. Do I really need a text example for that?

See suzuki, motorbike, ryu, dead or alive


Aparently the only sportbike in production, according to people who know nothing about sportbikes but like to think they do. The second fastest production sportbike on earth, next to the Kawasaki ZX14. People who only know about this bike probably think Biker Boyz was good, and Torque was realistic

Guy1: What bike would you get if you could have any bike?

Guy 2: Probably the new GSXR 1000

Guy 1: Why wouldnt you just get a Hayabusa isnt it like the best bike ever?

Guy 2: Uhhh yeah sure y not (you dumbass)

See hayabusa, suzuki, torque


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