
What is Hazel?



1. a kindred soul

2. a girl whose beauty lies both within and without, her image brings grown men to their knees, her kindness and complexity keep them there indefinitely

3. the girl of my dreams

Just when my day seemed precarious, Hazel walked into the room. My heart stopped, I broke into a cold sweat, and my body ached to be embraced by her.

See alluring, foxy, adroit


1. (uncountable) noun, the green-brown colour of some people's eyes

2. adjective, hazel eyes are a green-brown colour

Big, hazel eyes and cold, blue ones.


-A filipino chick that thinks shes as nigger as it gets

-Often misjudged as a bitch pissed off at the world

-An AMAZING person :)

Look at that chink! She looks like a Hazel!

See black, pimp, chick, filipino, nigger


An eye color, meaning more than one solitary color.

His eyes were hazel--green, brown, and blue.

See hazel, blue, green, brown, eyes


Someone who is fully acquainted with doors and/or enjoys the use of them, particularly for the use of sexual relations.

Oh man, that chick was quite a hazel; she was all over me before we entered the house so we did it right there.

See slut, hoe, prostitute, whore, hooker


Hazel is Not a slut has varied ambitions values her freedom she is happy in a crowd her heart is carefree..

A nice person but not really pretty

Hazel Girl with dark hair

See hazel, haze, haz


Hazel is a slang term for a person who has a compulsion to steal clothing from her boyfriend, especially jackets.

Hazels have a tendancy to over sleep, but deny the over sleeping when it is pointed out.

Hazel is also known to have a massive cock.

Stop stealing jackets, you Hazel!

Me: Hey it's 10 o'clock, let's go out.

Hazel: Nah I'm really tired I think I'll go to bed.

See massive, hazal, cock


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