What is Headies?
A type of cannabis typically referring to the c. sativa strain, headies are the royalty of cannabis. As opposed to the lower body high of beasters (typically c. indica), headies provide a heady high (as the name would suggest), allowing for more physical function under the influence. Most low grade cannabis does not provide the same kind of lightness of being that headies create. Thus, headies are preferred among cannabis connoisseurs everywhere. Smoking too much of the headies will probably result in a loss of brain cells and increase your usage of phrases such as "the other day," and "this one time." Then again, who really gives a shit if you can function?
I got some dank headies the other day, I was high for like 5 hours!
High grade Cannabis. Usually contains small white specks and reddish hairs on the leaves.
Dank is good but headies is better!
Headies are a non commercial or less commercial , high grade type of Marijuana... a grade up from beasters and two grades up from mids or outdoor mass grown budz or (shwag)... the quality of these buds cannot be beat... easly distinguished by there extremely potent scent. Headies cannot be confused with other buds they look like the pot out of high times magizine and gaurinteed to fuck you up
These headies are soo much better than those beasters you have
My breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The only thing worth putting in the lungs. SATIVA FUNK.
If it isn't headies, throw it back in his face.
very nice marijuana
usually green with a frosted look from the THC crystals
has yellow, red, or orange hairs
prices usually 20 a gram or 400 an ounce wholesale
I don't smoke schwag douchebag, I only smoke headies
Headies are the buds at the top of the cannabis plant. It doesn't matter what strain or how it was grown(hydroponically or organically, indoors or outdoors etc). Headies have more trichomes (resin glands)than the rest of the bud on the plant and therefore is the best bud that the plant can produce. However, you can get shitty headies if you have a shitty plant. :)
Dude, i just got some bomb headies.
good strain of marijuana. but if it's the best you can find then move to california
The cow says, "MOOO!"