What is Healer?
Describes an individual with the ability to cure ails, be they physical or mental.
In RPGs, these players are the most vital and therefore the least likely to be experienced.
In 3D shooters, after you kill someone, these are the players who rush madly into your crosshairs and are promptly pumped full of lead.
Fury: Everyone ready?
Everyone: yeah!
Fury: Yaar!
Fury: Ok, I'm poisoned. Need to be cured.
Fury: Hello? Healers?
Fury: wtf??
Monk2318: bak
You have killed cobra-killer-86
You have killed freehealth4u
You have killed cobra-killer-86
Someone that can produce healing to the body through means not readily available to modern medicine.
John Kerry if elected.
"If John Kerry is elected" said John Edwards at a campaign stop, "then the lame will walk." I guess that means the latest campaign promise is that Kerry will become a healer if elected.
as a way to call the story "the healer" with an ice girl and a fire girl. An ice girl is a physical healer who makes others healthy, but an fire girl is a truly healer who makes people feel extremely good, deep inside
The healer is a weird story