
What is Heartbreak?


Heartbreak is when you lovea girl, and then she breaks your heart. Usually she says that she doesn't love you anymore, and that you suck. That you were a mistake. That she has no clue why, in the name of a higher power, she ever dated you. And why she ever let you put your hands anywhere near her.

Essentially she makes you feel like shitunworthy to tread the face of this earth or even gaze upon her divine form.

My ex one day told me she loved me, and the next day she dumped me, sent all of her friends after me (who, by the way, got their asses kicked) and attempted to ruin my life. She failed, and now I've got a better, and much hotter girlfriend.

See The Other Guy


1. What you suffer from after getting your arse dumped in any especially cruel way by your alleged 'true love'.

2. Especially damaging the first time, and even worse if you're old enough to have known better.

3. That which leaves a constant residual heartache

That fricking ball licker just smashed me with the nastiest heartbreak ever


The absolute worst feeling in the entire world. When one is heartbroken they may actually feel such an intense pain they don't even want to live anymore.

One may feel heartbreak when a (romantic) relationship comes to an end or when one has been cheated on etc. You cannot think about anything except for the awful pain you feel and how much you hate the person for leaving you, and at the same time desperately want them back.

Heartbreak literally feels like someone stabbing a knife into your chest and twisting it repeteadly.

I never knew why they called it "heartbreak" until I experienced it.

See pain, jealousy, heartache, love, boys


When you're really in love with someon and you guys break up and it hurts so bad it keeps you up at night because everytime you close your eyes, you think of them. you can't eat. you can't sleep. you can't be in a room by yourself bacuse you start thinking about them. you have to keep yourself busy at all times bacause otherwise, you think of them and it hurts so much you wanna cry. you can't listen to the radio or watch tv anymore because every other song, tv show or movie makes you think of them. it hurts so bad you feel empty inside and nothing you can do can fill that space. no one could ever take the place of that person. and no matter how hard you try to move on, it always comes down to the fact that you can never be as in love with another person the way you were in love with them.

Heartbreak is the worst feeling in the world, I'd never wish this feeling on another person.

See love, boyfriend, girlfriend, broken heart


The worst feeling in the entire world, and the hardest to describe. It feels as if you can't breathe, you can't stop crying, and sometimes your chest even burns. It goes on for quite some time, but eventually fades after a while; or in some severe cases, the pain never goes away. It usually hurts the worst the first time, and the first love will never be forgotten. The first love is the one you will compare all the others to. It feels as if your heart is being stabbed repeatedly, because it feels like you can't live without the person.

Joseph and Jessica were together for a year, they were in love... Jessica lied to Joseph, but she didn't mean to hurt him--so she told him the truth. Joseph told Jessica he couldn't love her anymore, and said goodbye forever. Jessica cried forever, and felt heartbreak not only for feeling her soul mate leave; but for breaking his heart too because he didn't deserve it. Jessica cried for a long time and waited for him, but he never came back, so she had a broken heart.

See heartbreak, love, broken heart, soul mate, sad


Walking home in the dark with your wounded heart in your hands, lonely and depressed , after high hopes of giving your heart to someone and waiting for an hour and ten minutes to meet up with her, but she is actually on a date with her boss. When all you wanted to do was tell her how deeply you felt about her.

I walked home with heartbreak,the only thing keeping me company are the dim street lamps and MF Doom and Brand New playing my on Ipod.

See heartbroken, heartbreak, sadness, rejection, depression


When someone you love is so close to you and you feel like this one moment should last forever and then suddenly she takes half your heart with you, sometimes this may cause someone to go crazy or start doing something, especially if its the persons first girlfriend

Guy: *thinking* i like her so much but i wont tell her cause if she doesnt like me then it'll end up like last time!

girl: *texts guy* i think i like you :)


(they start going out its all going cool..untill!)

girl: I'm sorry i rushed into a relationship...

guy: *shocked* oh its ok, it happens to me alot

girl: sorry...

guy: no don't be ...*thinking*: how should i commit suicide..ok maybe i shudnt...

Week Later, Guy's house

*guy takes out knife*

guy: i hope this works

*slowly cuts himself*

guy: ahh shit..hey this works, now i dont feel pain.. yessss!

next day guy all happy...normal day come home girl text him

girl: do u cut?

guy: BLANK told u didnt he?

girl: no one said anything but listen cutting isnt good for you..bla bla bla bla

guy: *thinking* for fuck sake...

girl: (sends pics of cuts)

guy: OK I GET IT! now can u please leave me alone

girl: fine i see u dont care

guy:...cya in school


See heart, love, heartbroken, cut, girlfriend


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