
What is Heat?



We gotta pack some serious heat for this drive by

See AC


Heat has several meanings as a word and one as an abriviation.

Heat as a slang term is commonly used to describe a weapon of some kind, usually a pistol. "You packing heat?"

Heat as in heat generated by an exothermic reaction is an increase in energy of particles causing them to move/vibrate more rapidly, in some materials this can cause electricity to flow more easily, for materials to melt then evaporate.

When an animal "goes into heat" they are at their most sexually active and reproductive time of the year, this would usually occur during the "mating season" of the particular animal.

As a military abrieviation, HEAT means High Explosive Anti Tank. This is a rocket or other explosive missile/shell designed to penetrate through a tracked vehicles armour before detonating it's explosive charge to disable/destroy the target. (For those of you wondering, there is such a thing as "low explosive")

"Hostile armour spotted, load up a HEAT round, let's take it out."


a firearm

you packing heat tonight?


Unessary or Unwanted attention

Fuck smoking a joint infront of the cop shop is heat

See Drew


1.(n)- Ghetto slang for POLICE

2.(n)- Ghetto slang for hand-gun

1. Damn, tha heats followin us!

1. Shit!! the heats flashin the blues and reds!

2. I got the heat under the seat

2. Dont make me pull out my heat

See heat, hete, haet, heet


Basically a gun of any type.

Bob: I've had about enough of you guys (pulls out a pistol).

Sherman: Whoa! Big Bob the bottom dweller's packing heat! Take it easy, Bob.


verb: To be in a time of highest level of reproductivity, usually used when describe animals.

Wolves go into heat early in the year


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