
What is Hebrew?


The spoken language of the Jewish Israeli people, the original language with which the Holy bible was written, a whole bunch of ancient dudes spoke it

Shalom! Ma Nishma? Sababaaaaaa!!!

"speak the language of the Hebrew man"


1. Ethnic reference, a descendant of Abraham. Often confused with Ethnic Semite (descendant of Shem), Ethnic Israelite (descendant of Jacob-Israel), and/or Ethnic Jew (descendant of Judah). These terms are somewhat but not always synonymous. IE, the chronolgical genealogical order is: Shem/Semite > Abraham/Hebrew > Israel/Israelite > Judah/Jew.

2. Jews trace ancestory through the mother only. Hebrews trace ancestory through either parent.

3. Spiritual Hebrews (or Israelites) are people who worship Yahweh, eat kosher, and observe the Biblical holy days of Leviticus 23. May or may not be Jews. May or may not be Christians.

1. I'm Hebrew; I'm a descendant of Abraham. Jews are descendants of Judah. All Jews are Hebrew, but not all Hebrews are Jews.

2. I know my mom isn't Jewish, but my dad is. Besides I never said I was Jewish, I'm Hebrew.

3. I don't work on Saturday; I'm Hebrew.

See jew, israelite, yahwist


Fact: There are almost no curses in the Hebrew language. Most of the words considered to be curses actually have a clean definition, The rest aren't Hebrew at all.

These words are not curses - Zona, Zevel, Kelev, Metumtam, Zayin, Mizdayen, Hamor, Mefager, Dafook, Motzetz, Tola'at, Kooshi, Akoom.

These words are not Hebrew - Hara, Idiot, Shmok, Debil, Otist, Homo, Tzitzim, Koos, Ina'al, Defekt, Shit, Blat.

See hebrew, curse, no, arabic, language, m/


One of, if not, THE oldest living languages which is written and read from RIGHT to LEFT. This language is mostly used by people who live in Israel or jews. It is what the Torah is written in. In the avrage modern jewish family the Hebrew isn't proper but with a lot of grammer mistakes. Though people know this it does not disturb them and they use it everywhere.

The avarge Hebrew conversation (or what it sounds like):

"Hey! Ma neeshma?"

"Hakol sababa Etzlee. Ech etzlecha?"



"Hey! What's up?"

"Everything's ok. What about you?"

"It's fine"

See hebrew, israel, language, asia


The language of Israel and the Bible. Often studied by Jews, Yahwists, and Christian clergy.

To see the Hebrew alphabet, look up PSALM 119 in your Bible!

See gematria, jew, bible, yahweh, yahshua, yahwism, yahwist, gad, seal of yahweh


the language of the kiwis. (heeeey-brew) just like they say fish 'n' chips funny they say hey bro funny. gotta love 'em!

"Oh hebrew, you wanna get some fish 'n' chaps?"

"Hellz yeah :)"

See opquij, kiwi, nz, blacks, shabangabang


Ethiopian-Canaanite-black with wooly hair,

dark skin-burnt skin-God's chosen people

of Israel. Yashua (JESUS) black man from the land of Nazareth. Moses-Abram-David-Jacob-Issac-Sheba-Egypt land of the blacks,

the holy bible-1st black history lesson. Israel still the missing piece of Africa before the parting of the red sea. Star of David NOT Condoned by the almighty God!. Star of David used as a decoration piece,

now assemble of European Israeli's. Mother Africa is and will be the the great nation of God's Oder. 12 TRIBE OF ISRAEL- BLACK MEN. Historical LIES perpetuated by European Israeli's. Persian-Armenian-Arab-

Indian- Descendant of Africans. Ethiopians

ORIGNIAL DESCENDANTS OF MOSES. Israel Is racist against their African Forefathers.

Israel stolen from the blacks by European-middle-eastern Israeli's. God will seek the truth and bring his people home to their rightful land (Israelite-ETHIOPIANS).

Black Hebrew descendant of Moses.

See black, hebrew, israelite, moses


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