
What is Heelys?


Sport shoes that have wheels housed in the heel that allow you to walk, run, and roll at any given moment.

I enjoy riding Heelys.

See Dalya


Pathetic attempt at an extreme sport, only little kids buy them to look cool to their friends, and for kids who gave up every extreme sport they tried.

If your seen in a skatepark with heelys chances are you'll be beaten the shit out of

See dumb, pathetic, immature, bad


A shoe which I would not be caught dead wearing.

Parents who buy heelys for their kids should be lined up against a wall and shot dead.

Parents who wear heelys themselves should be drawn and quartered.

See shoes, heresy, fool, brat


Heelys is an awesome shoe. Too many people stereo-type Heelys. They think they are just stupid little toys little kids use to roll around and crash into people. Well... they are DEAD WRONG!!! Heelys is capable of much more! Look up Team Heelys on YouTube to see for yourself. And YES, HEELYS IS A SPORT! If there is a team for it, its a sport like Disc Golf, Chess, and Mathletics. Heelys are able to grind and even drop-in on vert! Most kids don't know about this because they don't take Heeling (not Heelying or Heelieng) seriously and they only get the trainers. If you want to be able to grind and skate vert, look for the Torch model or Evolution Model. HEELYS ARE AWESOME!

Heeler : Dude! I just did an awesome frontside on the HP (halfpipe)

Non-Heeler : In Heelys? Yeah right, Heelys can't do anything cool!

Heeler : ... Yes ... they ... can!

*does an awesome frontside tru*


*buys Heelys*

Heeler : Smart choice!

See heelys, heeler, heeling, skate, grind, flatland, vert, stalls


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