
What is Hefer?


A negative word towards a female. Usually meaning that she is fat and ugly, rude and bitchy.

"That hefer stole my man, she knows that she is not all that!"

See hoe, bitch, slut, trick, ugly


A fat female, usually of ages between 16 and 40-45. Comes from the name for a female cow which has not given birth yet.

Look at that hefer over there shovelling those chips/fries down her throat

See heffer, minger, stinker, ugly bitch


A word often used in Scotland when referring to a large famale. Possibly comes from the word hefty.

Get oot ma face, ya fat hefer!

See fat, fatty, juicy, plump, fatness, blubber, thin


A big tub of lard in the form of a 100 lbs white girl.

That hefer was a hoe

See slut, fatty, douchebag, ho, wench


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