
What is Heine?


1. Short for Heineken beer. An example of which can be found in the introductory lyrics to Weezer's "Say It Ain't So". 2. Another word for ass.

1. Honey, grab me a Heine from the icebox then cook me up some dinner. 2. After grabbing the brew from the icebox instead of dinner how about giving me a little Heine?

See heine, heineken, beer, lyrics, weezer, ass


The refusual of sex moments before insertion.

My man got heined last night! He was right on top of this girl with his tool wrapped and everything but she chickened out and heined him at the last minute.

See heine, condom, girl, broad


pronounced: HI-KNEE

slang: Last name of ballers (see "baller"). Consider your world rocked.


See hiney, heiney, heinz


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