Hell Week

What is Hell Week?


The inagural week of all Greek organizations (fraternities) in which the new members (pledges) are rigorously abused and tortured as an endurance test. If the pledges make it through Hell Week, then they can become full-fledged fraternity members.

If none of this applies to you becuase you think that frats are stupid and infantile, please see GDI.

"I had to know all about the leader or else they would've killed me in Hell Week."

See hell week, fraternity, gdi


The week of a theatrical performance during which the cast and crew practically live at school and communicate to thier families soley through notes.

Sorry, I can't interact socially, I have to stay at school until 10 today! It's hell week for Brighton Beach Memoirs.

See tech week, theatre, theater, crew, cast


That week right before a break when every teacher decides that they need to throw in just one more test, quiz, and/or project, because their subject is obviously superior to the others. Also known as Week from Hell.

Person 1: Geez! I have 3 tests and a quiz this week, and I have 2 major projects due!

Person 2: Welcome to Hell Week.

See hell week, test, quiz, project, school


Typically one week of extensive mental and physical training in order to get in shape for actual conditions. Another form of initiation or re-socialization.

Usually military related, sports teams and fraternities and sororities.

The football coach recommended to stay hydrated because there would be limited water breaks during hell week.

Once off the bus, the army recruits were stripped of their personal belongings and it was followed by intense interval training as a hell week introduction.

See hell week, hell, week, conditioning, training


A week at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) that involves much studying, loads of homework, and numerous papers, all due on the same day. Usually occurs before an extended or finals week. Some have reported that hell week occurs some time in February also.

You can tell that it is Hell Week when everyone has bloodshot eyes and the after effects of a caffiene high.

See imsa, homework, caffiene, schmen, finals


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