
What is Heretic?


n 1: a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church syn: misbeliever, religious outcast

2: a person who holds unorthodox opinions in any field (not merely religion)

He doesnt believe in god, he's a heretic.


Invented with the creation and spread of Christianity, a heretic (in the middle-ages) is every one who did not accept or questioned the Catholic church or its laws. Unlike what the Church spread, Heretics were rarely Satanists or non-believers.

In fact, in many cases, they had a stronger and more realist belief in God than that of the Church followers. It is just that the Heretics believed the Church's ways were wrong and corrupted, and that is why they followed their own way.

Many great people through history were Heretics, and they were punished and executed by the Church.

See jews, satanists


To the best of my knowledge, this words original meaning is to "be different or to have different beliefs". A common misunderstanding is that anyone who is a heretic is more than likely a satanist and enemy of God. This is not always true. For me, it just means "Different".

I do not believe what everyone else believes about something, I am a heretic.

OR...(my opinion)

There is no true thing as a heretic, for God made everyone the way they are supposed to be....

See different, anti-anti, satanist, satanism


Is the most badass mutha fucka from Hell!!


Here tic is teh Masta!

See Josh


A trator: one who rebels against ones nation.

Also a game on Halo2

The heretic has been caught-HANG HIS ASS

See Tyler


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