
What is He-she?


A person like myself that has both male and female genitals. At birth the doctors didn't know what i was so my parents chose a sex for me. I am now a male. I was born with both ovarian and testicular tissue. You can still see some male and female sexual characteristics though I take hormones.

I am intersex, also known as a 'hermaphrodite' or he-she

See gay, transexual, man, woman, queer, homosexual, kinky



> A female with a penis.

Britney Spears

See Lardy


also a shim or manimal. a particularly feminine man or especially masculine woman.

a guy getting beat by a girl at soccer says, "Watch out for the he-she!"

See butch, homosexual, lesbian, bi, bisexual


see Michael Jackson

You are a he-she.


a he-she is a dude that looks like a girl because he has long hair or dressed like a girl. see homo

#1:Dude look at that he-she!

#2:Yeah he kinda looks like your mom!


Are you Chinese?

Are you a he-she?

Good bye!


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