What is Hetero-flexible?
Not gay or bisexual, but in between bi and straight. Like, being straight, but you would consider doing something with a member of the same gender should the situation arise. Mainly for pleasure and adventurous reasons, you probably wouldn't date them. Also can be called bent.
It DOESNT mean gay as some people would say it does.
I didn't think sarah was hetero-flexible until she gave me a lap dance and then went off to make out with her boyfriend.
A straight individual who is has/ or is not opposed to having sexual relations with the same sex.
Predominantly found in straight women who enjoy making out with other females.
A hetero-flexible person is most likely to engage is same-sex sex zero to several times. However, would not be against a a relationship with the same sex.
Also could be considered
Jamie: Is that woman making out with the hot blonde girl a lesbian?
Suzy: No, just another hetero-flexible.
Jamie: Damn.
A person that identifies as heterosexual, but doesn't seem to draw any real lines when it comes to sexual contact.
"Have you ever noticed how many women in that sorority seem to be hetero-flexible?"
a way of saying "gay" and or "bi-sexual" with humour and wit, sure to disarm even the angriest redkneck bible thumper, or at least make them think so you have time to run
"I'm not gay, im hetero-flexible"