
What is Hexidecimal?


Unlike decimal which uses 0-9 Hexadecimal uses 0-9 and A-F the mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal, Decimal, Noninary, Octinary, Pentinary, Trinaryand Binary.

Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C

Decimal: 25152119210312

Noninary: 27162321230313

Octinary: 31172523270315

Pentinary: 100030041034041003022

Trinary: 221120210200021010110

Binary: 0110 0100 1111 0101 0101 0011 0101 0100 0011 0011 00

Alphabet: YOUSUCK

See hexadecimal, binary, source code, pentinary, trinary, noninary, octinary, decimal, hex, program


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