
What is Hiccup?


1. involuntary spasms of your diaphram

2. the most annoying torture that was made up

Damn, I swallowed and air bubble, now i have the hiccups

See hiccup, hiccups, burp, diaphram


1. a quick, involuntary inhalation that follows a spasm of the diaphragm and is suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, producing a short, relatively sharp sound.

2. a very long, group exhale ( normally performed by the imadouchebag tribe) that involves a circle of men and women and one midget. The midget walks around the circle biting on a pube and ripping it out chewing very fast, at high speeds. As this happens the men and women inhale and is suddenly checked by a open of the glottis, producing a very long ...........not sharp sound that the midgets hate,and beat the shit out of all of them and go to Walmart to buy new costumes . The men and women then put on there clothes wonder where they are, why they are there,and when they were there.They walk home wondering why they r bleeding excessively and they count there pubes and wonder y they r missing one.........

My mother was very angered with me when she found out i hiccuped twice at my friends house.

See u, have, a, tiny


a term used to soften the blow of bad news.

hugh--(on the phone with a customer) Hello!! Is Milenkovitch there??

milenkovitch--(on the other end of the phone) yes this is milenkovitch

hugh-- yes we seem to have run into a "hiccup" in regards to your bike being repaired. It seems as though your chain is broken an I will need to replace it with something fancy, this will raise the price of the repair to $200. is this going to be ok

milenkovitch-- yeah sure, you are so cool being a bike fixer, no problem.

See hiccup, slacker, goof, loser, hottie


A common misspelling of hiccough.

Guy: Gah, I shouldn't have eaten so fast. I've got hiccups.

Grammar Nazi: It's spelt hiccough, fool.

Guy: How the hell did you know how I speltit when I said it aloud?

Grammar Nazi: Spelt is a kind of wheat, idiot.

Guy: My fist is a-kind of about to meet your face.

See misspelling, grammar, spelling, nazi, burple


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