
What is Hick?


the President of the United States of America.

George W. Bush is the dumbest fucking hick in the whole mother fucking world.


A derogatory slang term for lower class whites raised in rural areas, usually within trailer parks or hog farms. Generally used more for Midwesterners than Southerners (see: redneck)

General defining characteristics of a hick: Protestant upbringing, usually Baptist; racist and sexist opinions; does not attend collage ; dumber than a post.

That hick Dwayne wanted to take me muddin' in the stripper pits last night.

Have you been to the 4-H fair? God what a hick town.


Derogatory term for a someone from the country. Somewhere between a bumpkin an a redneck, though they tend to get wrongly lumped in either category. Unlike bumpkins, they are aware of the world beyond their rural setting, and probably have lived briefly in the city before returning to the quieter life they prefer. Unlike rednecks, they are generally educated, nice people who don't chastise non-religious people and aren't racist.

Loser: Yawl check out the new guy in the mail room? 'Bout time we hired us a real life redneck.

Me: I'd say he's more of a hick.

Loser: What's the difference?

Me: Yo momma.


adj someone that lacks culture and social grace, esp. one that exhibits rural mannerisms, habits and preferences; anything which shows a lack of taste, sophistication and demonstrates general ignorance; simple Enlgish littered with colloquialisms and mistakes esp. improper use of pronouns, contractions and incorrect verb tenses or conjugation.


Ann Lee: I made a wad of money apple pickin' this autom sicand I bought a F-150.

Michael: Ann, you are really hick. Why do you go around bragging about about performing low-skilled, repetetive jobs and driving gaz-guzzlers?


Cletus: I am taking off a week early for spring break to go hunting with my second cousins from my second mom's side.

Isabella: Oh my god, why would someone spend their spring break hunting? I don't mean to be rude, but that is completely hick.



I.e. the sign exhibits hick grammar.

See hick, country, rural, ignorant, stupid, ignoramus, simpleton


1. a noun; A derogatory term describing or referring to a person from a rural background or community. The noun hick usually describes lower class whites raised in rural areas on trailer parks or hog farms. Generally used more for Midwesterners and people from southern Ontario than Southerners (see: redneck)

General defining characteristics of a hick: Protestant upbringing, usually Baptist; racist and sexist opinions; does not attend collage ; dumber than a post. They often have poor grammar and drive pickup trucks. They care very little for the environment and often do not realize that their livelihood farming, is dependent upon a healthy and stable environment. However they are not solely farmers. In fact most hick's live in rural areas and live off welfare because they are too stupid to know how to farm.

They can usually be identified through the usage of the following words. Y'all, Yous (They fail to recognize that you can be both plural and singular) We's Thems, etc.

Thus they have poor comprehension of vocabulary and basic tenants of the English language.

Kerri Lee Smith: Thems people from the city are such butt fucking idiots.

Me: I can't believe how stupid my roommate is. I cannot believe she just said that yet spent all weekend being fucked in the ass, thus failing to see the irony of such a statement.

I wish she would just drive her pickup truck back to her fucking trailer park.

Further Example: (In hick writing) "Yous people turn them alarm Clocks of! Its 1:30 PM in the morning! I cant gets no sleep cuz of yous butt fucking idiots! I'm horney!"

"I pokes my urethra with a Pencil to get them bacterias out"

N.B. My Roommate Kerri Lee Smith is such a huge fucking hick. She calls all people from the city butt fucking idiots and usually demonstrates poor grammar. E.g using expressions such as "good on ya", "sure as fuck",

See hick, yokel, whitetrash, eejit


A derogatory term used to define white, southern bred, nigger hatin', jew lynchin' coon hound lovin sons a' bitches.

Hey guys look at that hick over there.

See bumpkin, homo, butt licker


1. a noun; A derogatory term describing or referring to a person from a rural background or community. The noun hick usually describes lower class whites raised in rural areas on trailer parks or hog farms. Generally used more for Midwesterners and people from southern Ontario than Southerners (see: redneck)

General defining characteristics of a hick: Protestant upbringing, usually Baptist; racist and sexist opinions; does not attend collage ; dumber than a post. They often have poor grammar and drive pickup trucks. They care very little for the environment and often do not realize that their livelihood farming, is dependent upon a healthy and stable environment. However they are not solely farmers. In fact most hick's live in rural areas and live off welfare because they are too stupid to know how to farm.

They can usually be identified through the usage of the following words. Y'all, Yous (They fail to recognize that you can be both plural and singular) We's Thems, etc.

Thus they have poor comprehension of vocabulary and basic tenants of the English language.

Kerri Lee Smith: Thems people from the city are such butt fucking idiots.

Me: I can't believe how stupid my roommate is. I cannot believe she just said that yet spent all weekend being fucked in the ass, thus failing to see the irony of such a statement.

I wish she would just drive her pickup truck back to her fucking trailer park.

Further Example: (In hick writing) "Yous people turn them alarm Clocks of! Its 1:30 PM in the morning! I cant gets no sleep cuz of yous butt fucking idiots! I'm horney!"

"I pokes my urethra with a Pencil to get them bacterias out"

N.B. My Roommate Kerri Lee Smith is such a huge fucking hick. She calls all people from the city butt fucking idiots and usually demonstrates poor grammar. E.g using expressions such as "good on ya", "sure as fuck",

See yokel, stupid, redneck, eejit, whitetrash, bumpkin, rural, provincial


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