
What is Hig?


creepy hug, hug from a semi-stranger or not well known enough acquaintance.

"that tweaker guy that's always hanging out here keeps giving higs to me" "yeah well he does that to most girls that've talked to him for more than 5 minutes"; "that hig was really uncomfortable"


hig is anouther word for cigarittes

Person 1: Bum me a deace hig

Person 2: Alright man

See smee, cigs, stig, higgy, square


A sexual position which favours the woman often resulting in a mind blowing orgasm. Similar to doggy style but with a 'reach around' towards the clitoris and the woman moving to spell the word 'HIG'

"James gave me a hig last night it was so amazing"

"You should get higged girl!"

See orgasm, sexual positions, sex, hig, clitoris


A redneck BBQ.

A get-together of country hicks.

Last night was the best hig them McCoys put on yet!

We're going to a hig tonight. Be back later.

See hig, redneck, bbq, barbecue, grill, picnic, food


verb, to hug

*higs Mat*


1) A HOE with a disease. 2) A HUSSY with a disease. 3) A SKANK with a disease.

You hig!

See Cherry


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