What is High School Sports Hierarchy?


The ranking system that makes football cool and golf...well...not so cool.

Damn that high school sports hierarchy!

See high school, sports, hs


The ranking system of sports that are cool to not-so-cool.

Football, Lacrosse

Basketball, Soccer

Baseball, Volleyball

Hockey, Swimming

Wrestling, Track

Cross Country, Tennis

Golf, Bowling

Football and Lacrosse are at the top of "coolness" on the high school sports hierarchy.

See football, lacrosse, school, stupid


The law in high school that states all lacrosse, football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer players and Track/XC Runners are the coolest people in high school and get all the hot chicks.

Im a Track/XC runner and i get hot chick # 1

Hey you lacrosse player you can have hot chick # 2, and Football QB u can have all the rest!

Soccer player: You over there what sport do you play?

Kid: None

Soccer player: Oh then ur not cool at all

Baseball player talking to basketball player: I love this high school sports hierarchy because we are so cool and the chicks dig us!

See runners, players, hot, jocks, annoying


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