High Tech Red Neck

What is High Tech Red Neck?


Someone whose Windows wallpaper is peeling.

bubba: how come y'all got dat ol newspaper duck-taped over yer computer screen?

htrn: dat's so's da neighbors cain't be lookin in thru mah Winderz!

See daDebil


Someone who doubles the value of hiz truck by installing a radio in it.

bubba: dat shore looks better'n dat hole in yr dashboard.

htrn: yeah, and one of these dayz i might git it ta work!

See daDebil


Someone whose car in the driveway is propped up on old IBM AT cases instead of concrete blocks.

bubba: is dat car ever gonna run agin?

htrn: i dunno, i sold da wheelz fr beer money.

See daDebil


Someone who uses a spreadsheet to keep track of which reletives he's slept with...and how much they charged him.

bubba: how much do you pay fr sex?

htrn: a nickel's a nickel, a penny's a penny, kinfolk pussy is as good as any.

See daDebil


Someone who thinks da Information Superhighway might be a good place to hunt fr road kill.

bubba: mmmnn...boy howdy, these chips are good

htrn: hang on an i'll go back out an scrape some more off da road fur ya

See daDebil


Someone who patches da holez in da roof of hiz trailer with free aol discs.

bubba: hot damn! version 9 is here at last!

htrn: good! git up thar on da roof & fix it before it starts ta rain agin.

See daDebil


Someone who has a T-3 line running to his outhouse.

bubba: say, where d'y'all keep yer sears catalogue?

htrn: hit's rat chair under da router.

See daDebil


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