What is Highlands Ranch High School?


The worst high school in the suburban wonderland of Colorado. Extremely conformist, even though everyone seems to claim their cliques individuality.

You shouldn't go to Highlands Ranch High school if you don't smoke marijuana, or you don't play sports.

See highlands ranch high school, colorado, suburban, conformist, shit hole, stoners, jocks, smokers


A shit hole of a high school for people who live im colorado. Everybody who goes to highlands ranch high school is either emo or a super FOOTBALL ass hole. A school where the only decent people are the ones who do tons of drugs. The food at this school is tens of millions of times worst then mcdonalds. If you hate being touched by people youll hate this school because every passing period hundreds of people will be rubbing all over you. Also need to watch your shit cause there are so meny thiefs here. Not that you should leave your shit lying around anyways.

1. So meny kids drop out every year cause of all the bs.

2. (Emo kid #1) Hey Chris lets go cut ourselfs in the bathroom and then spread our shit all over the place.

(Emo kid #2) Yea good idea Kurt.

3. Highlands ranch high school A school where meny people go while high.

See school, school lunch, emo, cutting yourself


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