
What is Highlarious?


something that is found extremely funny, usually after approx. 4:20

my best friend made a PB & ice cream bagel, that's Highlarious

See John


A short-term for the description "highly hilarious". Highlarious was produced by merging the two words in the description together to form one superword. Using the word 'highlarious' instead of 'highly hilarious' saves approximatly 0.54 seconds when spoken and 0.97 when being typed.

That current, popular romantic-comedy at the cinema is highlarious!


1)a high level of lariousism

2)something hilarious whilst high in a altered state of consciousness

"that was highlarious"


something that makes you laugh hysterically when blazed. it's usually not funny in a clear state of mind.

"yesterday i got lifted and watched jeopardy, that shit was highlarious"

See blazed


Anything that is highly hilarious

His high-jump was highlarious!

See high, hilarious, funny, mad, crazy


HIGH-lar-i-us (adj): A particularly clever yet unpretentious joke or situation which does not readily present itself as humorous absent higher intellectual processing. The rare occurrence where a British-style pun is actually quite funny. This definition, however, explicitly excludes esoteric, disciplinary humor such as that shared amongst PhD candidates, law-students and anyone remotely associated with the New Yorker.

1. It took me a while to realize that John Doe was actually highlarious.

2. "Everybody Loves Raymond" is neither highlarious, nor remotely funny for that matter. See: crimes against humanity.

See puntastic, straight man, the daily show, Matthew


An adjective describing something that one finds very funny while high on cannabis.

"Did you see that fat kid in a snow suit trying to run up that hill?"

"yeah, that was highlarious"

"want another toke?"

See highlarious, hilarious, funny, high, marijuana, stoner, weed


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