Hippie Punk

What is Hippie Punk?


To start both hippies and punks don't want to conform to the society. But hippies and punks mainly believe on the same aspects of government and social standings. Many things can differ to make up the "hippie punk". Punks belive in Anti-authoritarianism, Non-conformity, Anti-militarism, Anti-capitalism, Anti-nationalism, Environmentalism, Vegetarianism and animal rights. Hippies believe in Environmentalism, animal rights, Non-conformity and Anti-militarism (PEACE).With the "hippie punk" it is a cross between the more peaceful side of the hippie trying to get the more aggressive message of the punks out to the world and get something done about it.

The real issue behind the Punk movement is freedom of thought, or thinking for one's self. Non-conformity is then the result of a punk.

Hippies have similar ideas of thinking for themselves,Non-conformity and peace to get their message across.

Both being a punk and being a hippie is a state of mind and a "hippie punk" brings both of these minds together in a mix of both of the concepts.

See hippie punk, punk


hippie punk

To start both hippies and punks don't want to conform to the society. But hippies and punks mainly believe on the same aspects of government and social standings. Many things can differ to make up the "hippie punk". Punks belive in Anti-authoritarianism, Non-conformity, Anti-militarism, Anti-capitalism, Anti-nationalism, Environmentalism, Vegetarianism and animal rights. Hippies believe in Environmentalism, animal rights, Non-conformity and Anti-militarism (PEACE).With the "hippie punk" it is a cross between the more peaceful side of the hippie trying to get the more aggressive message of the punks out to the world and get something done about it.

The real issue behind the Punk movement is freedom of thought, or thinking for one's self. Non-conformity is then the result of a punk.

Hippies have similar ideas of thinking for themselves,Non-conformity and peace to get their message across.

Both being a punk and being a hippie is a state of mind and a "hippie punk" brings both of these minds together in a mix of both of the concepts.

an example of a hippie punk is that they believe in peace but beleives in all the other punk ideas.

See hippie punk, peace punk


Usually smelly, come from nice homes, and think they'll start a revolution for the working class..when they're not even working class

After the Leftover Crack a bunch of street punks and skinheads beat up some smelly hippie punks

See hippies, hippy, crass, punk, chaos


A mixture of a punk rocker and a hippie with strickined values and in denyle of the hippy style but still beliving in a hippeys consept. Hippy Punks arent as peace full but belave in peace and find disgust in capitalisim and comunisim corruption and strickt religous fenatics.

A Hippie Punk got in a fight and dint kick the other guys butt, but insted pulled a sly move and put the bully in a uncomfertable position.


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