Hitler Mustache

What is Hitler Mustache?


One of the many styles available to choose from in the art of pubic hairdesign.

The Hitler mustache involves shaving the pubic hair from either side, and the area directly above the genitalia, leaving a thin strip which quite looks like Der Fuehrer's preferred brand of whiskers.

To spice up her marriage, Jean shaved her pussy hair into a Hitler mustache.

Rabbi Kawolski was quite offended when the centerfold had a Hitler mustache.


When someone sticks their finger in their ass, and wipes the fecal matter left on their finger, across a sleeping friend's upper lip. Leaving them with a hitler stache.

Man, Joe gave me a hitler mustache last night while I was sleeping.

See hitler, stache, mustache, fecal, jew


when u take shit from ur ass and u smear the shit on ur frends face so it looks like a hitler mustache

guy: hey kid u got some crap there

butters: sir, that wud be my face

See justin


The greatest outfit rock and roll will ever know. myspace/hitlersmoustache

Boy howdy, those fellers from Hitler's Moustache certainly posess the ability to bring the noise.

(hitler mustache)

See rock, roll, boy bands


When someone gives a person oral and the pubic hair of the "receiver" falls out. the hair then sticks to the "givers" face on their upper lip giving them a hitler mustache.

I was eaten my girlfreind out last night and i got a hitler mustache. I ain't ever doin that shit again.

See that guy


That would be a Dirty Sanchez

Germans are fuked up


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