
What is Ho?


A word Santa Clause says three times when he sees your wife, mother and sister together in the same room.

Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas!


Prostitute, Whore, Hooker, Tramp, Slut


A whore. A woman who uses her body, or gives the impression that her mark can be intimate with her, for material gain or to boost her own ego.

She says she will only have sex with short, fat or bald men if they compensate her with expensive gifts. She's a just a typical, run of the mill 'ho.


(noun): Anyone who dehumanizes themselves by selling their soul to others. The term can be applied to either a man or a woman or--as in the case of <Anne Coulter>--both.

Anne Coulter: You two ladies look awfully interesting. Are you Indians?

Woman #1: Yes, I'm a Navajo.

Woman #2: I'm an Arapahoe.

Anne Couter: What a coincidence! I'm a right-wing ho!


A bitch(Whore) owned by a pimp

Yo Im goin Pimpin wit My hos tonight


A skanky wench willing to "get down."; slut.

This ho always has her mouth full of nut.


A bitch.

Man, that beyatch needs to raise up off my nizuts, what a ho.


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