What is Hobviously?
Same as obvious, but more scene.
First appeared on Ali G many years ago when he would pronounce
obviously - "hobviously"
Since then it has been adopted by scene kids and made famous in the HRCA.
Other terms to stem from include
Hobviously ridiculous
1. scene kid 1: Dereks such a sceneager.
scene kid 2: Hobviously.
2. scene kid 1: i wish i cud be more like ollie, hes so emorgasmic.
scene kid 2: true, he is so hobviously absurdiculous..sigh..im such an emosexual
3. scene kid 1: dont call me a fag just cos i care more about fashion than music.
hXc kid 1: u hobviously want a *ROUNDHOUSE* HA U JUST GOT EMOWNED.