
What is Hocake?


Pronunciation: 'hO-"kAk'

Function: noun;

Main Entry: ho

Etymology: alteration of whore

slang : WHORE

Main Entry: cake


Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse kaka; akin to Old High German kuocho cake

A mythical yeast-based, floury concoction baked in honor of and specifically for prostitutes.

I believe this comes from a movie called the Hollywood Shuffle. Robert Townsend's character works at Winky Dinky Dog. His boss (John Witherspoon) tells him about his latest, greatest creation called Winky Dinky Hocake, "because hoes got to eat too!"

But they never explain exactly what it is.

"My latest, greatest creation...the Winky Dinky Hocake"

See hocake, hoecake, ho cake


A southern breakfast treat that is basically a big azz flat biscuit. Made just like regular biscuits, but baked in one piece on flat pan so that it looks like a thin cake when done. It is eaten warm and dipped in syrup or honey, and sometimes eaten with fruit preserves. The word is most commonly recognized from the movie Hollywood Shuffle "Hoez gotta eat too", but it is ACTUALLY a real food.

Ok, we got grits, catfish, sausage, eggs... wait, who made the hocake?

See biscuits, ho cake, hocake, hoecake, hoe cake


The field hands of slavery times and the soldiers in the War Between the States baked it on a shovel or hoe held to the open flame. When made of good, sweet, water-ground cornmeal, it is crisp and palatable, much like Mexican corn-chips.

It is made simply of cornmeal, salt and water, very thin in texture, and was fried in a skillet if one had fat for frying or often in a Dutch oven or over a hearth or camp fire.

This information comes from "Cross Creek" ( Florida), a book written by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author of "The Yearling".

Hocake was a poor man's version of cornbread. He had no eggs or flour.

See hocake, cornbread


A girl that lets any one have a piece.

That girl is a hocake, everyone gets a piece.

See ho, girl, easy, cakes, slut, skeezer


A dis made by the great Day of Defeat Clan LODlords of destruction. means whatever u interpret it to mean

you are all ho cakes

See Alden


a guy how like two girls at the same time and tells them that he like them after art class. (Tyler Hohler)

Tyler Hohler is such a hocake!!!:)


An insulting term to use toward a female.

Personally i use it like basterd but for a girl.

p1: u like that girl

p2: Na shes a hocake


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