
What is Ho-ho?


n. 1. A dark black person who does white things such as listen to anything with guitars, without people rapping, or techno.

2. A black guy who loves white crackas or acts like a white guy.

v. To roll someone up in a blanket at a campground and throw them down the hole in the portapotty.

n. I can't stand those ho-hos Colin Powell or Michael Jackson.

v. I like to ho-ho hoes at campgrounds.

See twinkie, kayne west, derf, portapotty, campground


A Black person adopted into or raised in a predominately white neighborhood, thus Black on the outside and white on the inside.

See Carlton from the Fresh Prince

The only black kid at our private school has been deemed the token Ho-Ho

See black, white, acting, ho, ho-ho, fake, wigger



1)person who likes ho-hos

2)person who resembles a ho-ho, and enjoys telling others how great he or she is, therefore no one cares about them.

Ignorant, obnoxious, self-centered, alcoholic who doesnt wash clothing, ostentatious, likes boys who hate her, repeats things that no one cares about.


1)No one likes a ho-ho.

2)"Ho-Ho is a NO-NO!"

See Ethan


man it aint the food with the cream n chocolate...altho they do go nicely together if ya kno wat i mean....

man me n a hoho ate a hoho....


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