What is Holguin?
A holguin is a person who feels the need to be in all groups at once but utterly fails and is left with no-one.
Holguins are genrally Orphans and Swats when it comes to school. When they believe they are doing well socially they begin doing a "clicking" like motion which often pisses people off.
Common attributes around Holguins are:
Talking Posh
Not knowing internet slang (rofl,lol etc.)
Wanting to be a dentist and/or follow suit of his parents
looking like michael jackson
being tall (retarded tall not cool tall)
having huge legs and a tiny upper body
having one retarded arm
telling teachers about everything
getting tutored for lessons even though they can already do that lesson without difficulty
lack of ejaculatory fluid
trys to make there voice sound deep when it obviously isnt
pisses people off
cant draw manga - or anything for that matter
dies being a virgin
lying (BADLY.)
"im everyones friend"
"fuck off you holguin"
"i am depressed - we are all going to die"
"ugh dude stop being such a holguin"
"turn that frown upside down"