Hollercrombie Bitch

What is Hollercrombie Bitch?


a stereotypical term describing the bitchy rude girls that obsess over their looks, think they are above everybody else, and are only friends with their kind.

These girls are typically blonde, use a trowel to put on their 10 inches of thick makeup, and are daddy's girls.

Hollercrombie comes from the brand of clothing that they wear:

usually Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle or TNA (sold at Aritzia)

They stink like those stores, enough to give you a lifelong migrane.

And they live for their clothing brand names.

they are bitchy to the world that isn't like them.

Damn those hollercrombie bitches.

See hollister, abercrombie, bitch, tna, blonde, whore


a stereotypical term describing the bitchy rude girls that obsess over their looks, think they are above everybody else, and are only friends with their kind.

These girls are typically blonde, use a trowel to put on their 10 inches of thick makeup, and are daddy's girls.

Hollercrombie comes from the brand of clothing that they wear:

usually Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle or TNA (sold at Aritzia)

They stink like those stores, enough to give you a lifelong migrane.

And they live for their clothing brand names.

they are bitchy to the world that isn't like them.

damn those hollercrombie bitches

See hollister, abercrombie, preppy, bitchy, stupid, hollercrombie, american eagle, aritzia, tna


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