
What is Hollie?


an extremely beautiful girl, who is wanted by all. she is stunning and friendly.

wow, that girls a real hollie! you got a good one there!

See hollie, holly, stunner, beautiful, friendly


A very handsome woman otherwise known as a clydesdale

Damn look at that hott girl she's a hollie

See hollie, marlow, hottie, clydesdale, oregano


A Sexy Blond Girl With Big Boobs. She Is Not The Skinniest Girl In The World But She Has A Big Personality And A Lot Of Love To Share. People Trust Her With Their Deepest Darkest Secrets. People Sometimes Block Her Out And Put Her Down But That Only Makes Her Stronger.........

She Hides Away Her Dreams She Is Scared What People Will Say If She Shares Her Dreams..........

But Overall She Is Confident With The Way She Is. She Is Sexy, Pretty And Always Has Friends Around That Will Support Her.

"Hey who do you fancy now?"

" well it's.............."

"who dude tell me!!"


"WHOA she is soooo sexy"

See sexy, boobs, confident, pretty, personality


a very beautiful but GAY girl. she likes fanny but wont admit it. she can be found wandering the streets with a street sign and a bottle of jd. she says things like COCOCO and watches The L Word a lot. she goes to squash but yer... she likes to bang gash

"hey hollie, you been licking fanny recently?"

"no im not gay"

"yes you are goddamit!"

See hollie, lowry, homeless, gay, blonde, dyke, squash, gash


An ollie when your back foot is on the ground and you jet your front foot out and bring back and hop back on your skateboard

DO A HOLLIE GUY! I did a hollie and i showed him up!

See hollie, ollie, skateboard, crazy, wow


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