Hollow Tips

What is Hollow Tips?


A hollow point bullet (or commonly known as "hollow tips") is a bullet that is designed to expand upon entering a target. Unlike a full metal jacket bullet, the jacket metal does not cover the entire bullet and an area near the nose is left uncovered. There is a pit present in the front of the nose (compare to soft point bullet, which has exposed lead but no hollow). When the bullet strikes a soft target, the pressure in the pit forces the ring of lead around it to expand greatly into a mushroom-shape. This causes considerably more soft-tissue damage than had the nose stayed intact. Generally, ideal performance of a hollow point bullet occurs when the bullet expands in a uniform shape, to the full depth of the hollow (or slightly more), and does not fragment or, in the case of jacketed bullets, shed its jacket. By expanding to a uniform diameter and retaining full weight, the bullet can be designed to penetrate to a consistent depth, causing maximum energy transfer to the target with minimum risk of overpenetration.

Hollow tips will kill your ass, nigger


hollow tips are a type of bullet the kill eficiently and fast

THE GAME raps ''hollow tips make niggas disapear like harry houdini''


A Gun; the term refers to the tip of the gun barrel that's "hollow"

"Nah nigga I ain’t come here to spar / These hallow tips will come where you are"


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