
What is Homer?


1. American bonehead.

2. Pull a Homer: to succeed despite idiocy.

"Looks like I just pulled a Homer!"

- Magic Johnson, after slipping on water and having the ball fly out of his hands, off a ref's head, and into the basket for the game winning three pointer.


Homer Simpson, moronic head of the animated Simpson's family. Voted greatest American of all time (beating out presidents like Abraham Lincoln) in a UK poll.

*Homer after hearing the news* D'oh! Wait a sec... d'oh!


A blind Greek poet and storyteller.

The Odyssey is one of the famous classic works by Homer.


Someone who shows blind loyalty to a team or organization, typically ignoring any shortcomings or faults they have.

"That guy is a total Broncos homer, they haven't done anything good all season!"


In baseball - to hit a home run.

wow! that ball went flying. looks like a homer.


the patriarch of The Simpsonsfunnier more for his more recent stupidity than his classic catch phrases.

"Homer's Odyssey? Is this about the time i rented that minivan?"


A sports broadcaster who very obviously shows favoritism towards the team they represent.

I can't believe that dumb, homer Suzyn Waldman actually broke down and started crying about Joe Torre leaving the Yankees.

See frontrunner, gamer, baseball, football


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