
What is Homeschool?


Someone smart enough to get out of sitting through the daily 7 hours of bullshit our nation calls "school". Generally the all-around coolest people ever, along with being the best educated element of society.

Typically hated by governments who want to indoctrinate youth, and clueless fucktards who secretly wish they didn't have to go to school either.

Damn! That homeschooled guy just got laid twice last night! Too bad the guys who go to school are socially inert, castrated sheep, or they could have some fun too...

See homeschooled, homeschooler, homeschooling, homeskool


Admit non homeschoolers the kind of education you really want.

homeschooling is awsome because you get to Work at your own pace, Not be micromanaged by teachers and have bullshit shoved down your throat.

See can, think, of, any, now


A system where your parents are in control of your education, and not some so-called teacher they hardly ever see. In a functional homeschooling family, a parent teaches their child, can give them the attention and care they need. The parent can make sure that their child not only learns important facts, but grasps concepts as well. In this manner, a parent can also ensure that the beliefs and morals they have attempted to instill in their children are not corrupted by unruly, dysfunctional children, or teachers who want them to think like everyone else. Children should be encouraged to think on their own, and develop their own opinions. Their personalities should not be squashed, and they should not be overly-sheltered in a decent homeschooling environment.

Homeschool groups exist to make sure that children are able to socialize with others their age, and to offer extra classes (like ballroom dance, art, or more complicated classes parents are unable to teach). Often, groups will organize dances, field trips, and even sports teams or music and drama groups.

Unfortunately, not all homeschooling families work this way, but many do. Public and private schools do not always work either (in case no one else has noticed).

I was homeschooled until 8th grade.

Homeschooling is misunderstood.

Homeschool is not for everyone.

See home school, homeschooling, public school, school, children, parents, education, teachers


1. v. To socially isolate youth to the point of causing dysfunction in present and future interpersonal relationships.

2. n. An unaccredited repository for sheltered children where students receive parental "academic instruction" of questionable quality in such reputable fields as "creation science", "bible history" and "abstinence-only sex education".

(Definition excludes nonreligious home-education, which is confined to children of hippies living off the grid and ethnographers conducting research in remote islands in Oceania. Less than .1% of the total homeschooling population.)

1. Parent: Homeschool my children? I'd rather not have them end up as friendless virgins in their mid-twenties, believing Jesus rode around on dinosaurs.

2. College Admissions Officer: So, where did you graduate from high school?

College Applicant: I went to homeshool.

College Admissions Officer: Wonderful! For some inexplicable reason, although you have had no formal instruction in science, critical thinking or literature, I invite you to join our institution. What this nation's post-secondary education system really needs is more maladjusted young people believing in apocalyptic world-views with better knowledge of firearms than physiology.

See homeschooling, fucktards, lol


1.) To spend your time at home watching TV when you should actually be getting an education.

2.) A method of systematically ruining one's social skills.

3.) When a parent clones their closeminded beliefs/morals into their child without allowing their child to be exposed to opposing viewpoints and opinions. Ususally results in their child growing up to be Kent Hovind.

did you see that kid praying in a corner during Kyle's party? Yeah, he was totally homeschooled.

See homeschool, ignorant, dumb, close-minded, idiot, lacking, lack, education


A combination of homie and old school, commonly used as a greeting for an old friend.

What's up, homeschool? Haven't seen you in awhile.

See homie, old school, old skool, homes, home school, homeskool


A form of education that should be outlawed. Education by wannabe-teachers who are just parents with teacher textbooks and don't have a degree of any sort. The reason for homeschooling is probably to 'protect them' which is only going to screw them even more in the real world. Teaches no social skills.

"See that freak over there? She must've been raised by wolves!"

"I heard she was HOMESCHOOLED."

See fail, piss in the wind, freak, 4kids, you lose


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