What is Homestar Runner?
The main character of
"I'm Homestaw Wunnow, and this is a website!"-Homestar Runner
Central character of HomestarRunner. White armless guy with a speech impediment and a slow wit who nonetheless dates the only girl and has the only propeller cap. Constant victim of
"So what's the W stand fow? Witch's bwew?"
"Befowe I dwink a taww gwass of Mewonade, I wike to eat about a hundwed an' fowty-seven Fwuffity Puffity Mawshalades!"
"Hey Stwong Bah, can I bowwow youw fondue pot?"
The no-armed, white, bald, humorous star of a website sharing his name. Usually not intelligent, he has been proven to outsmart his arch-nemesis
"What!? What the crap just happened? Is it possible I was just outsmarted by Homestar Runner!?" - StrongBad
StrongBad: "So hang on hang on hang on....Let me get this straight. You're betting me that you're cool"
Homestar: "Yep I'm cool."
StrongBad: "And if you're not cool, you have to change you're name to Keven DuBrow...but if you are cool, I have spend the night at the King of Town's?"
Homestar: "That's the deal man. The total deal."
StrongBad: "You're going down, son."
Homestar: "No way man."
StrongBad: "Okay. Let's see you be cool."
Homestar dons a pair of sunglasses.
Homestar: "S'up."
StrongBad: "Ohhhh crap!"
A pale faced, slow- thinking, but loveable creature who wears a beanie and red shirt with a star on it. Known for his speech impediment, love for
Example: Homestar Runner says "Welcome to Homestar Wunner dot net. 'It's dot com!'"
A cool character off homestarrunner is white, wears a beanie, shirt w/ a star on it, and has no arms and is a terrific athlete. Borrows fondue sets and has a baseball bat headed girlfriend named
Has a speech impediment and is annoying and funny all at the same time.
Flagrant error! I don't know what you did, but you sure messed it up you moron. Uh Oh! This does not look good for the homestarrunner.
Homestar runner is the main character of homestarrunner, he looks like a guy without arms who is white all over, wearing a red shirt with a star on it and a helicopter hat,he also has a serious speech impediment, he is stupid, but his stupidity often works well for him, he has a rival
Homestar:Now class, i will show you how to make a wet computer out of strongbads computer, first, take some mountain dew, then apply liberally....
He pours mountain dew over strongbads computer
After a little wait
Woah this sodas like never ending
(singing)neeveer ending soodaa
(Armlessicus dumpfaceicus) A Homestar Runner is a wild creature... With a pale face... and... apparent rivalry with an animal known as... the
Homestar: Hey pom-pom, did you know that lady? How come she gave you a hundwed bucks? Aww I got was a dumb ow' Bit-O-Honey.
time passes....
Homestar: Aw wight, I'll wing the doowbell. Ding ding ding ding diiiing! The Poopsmith, twick ow tweat!
The poopsmith turns around with a shovel of crap.
Pom-pom: blublle-blub
Homestar: Suit youwsewf. Mowe fow me.