
What is Homoblivious?


Not having the ability to recognize homosexuals as homosexuals; a lack of gaydar.

"He was so homoblivious that he didn't know that guy was coming on to him."

See homophobe, queeritating, homosexual


The state of being unaware of another person's overt homosexuality; the complete lack of "gaydar." Introduced nationally on March 15, 2006, by syndicated radio personality Tom Griswold of "The Bob And Tom Show."

Homoblivious as ever, Mary thought the two scantily-clad men making out on the beach were practicing CPR.

See gaydar, homosexuality, stereotypes, awareness


a person with absolutely no "gaydar" .

My mom is so homoblivious, she calls her queer neighbors "the bachelors".

See gaydar, homophobe, queeritating, fag, on the down low


The exact opposite of gaydar. The inability to sense anothers sexual orientation.

My husband thought Steve was hitting on me... he is so homoblivious.

See gay, gaydar, oblivious, naive, ignorant


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